Drawing of a red tailed Hawk from the Ripley Brochure

From the Ripley Desert Woodland trail brochure, a Red-tailed Hawk.

 I have not yet had the opportunity to photo a Red Tailed Hawk at the Desert Woodland as they are usually to farRed Tailed Hawk in flight away to make the photo useful when using a non-telephoto lens.

It is not hard to distinguish a Red Tailed Hawk from the many common Ravens flying around the park by the lighter brown color of the Hawk compared to the all black Raven. The Red Tailed Hawk has a much shorter and broader beak then the Raven.

Ravens will constantly be announcing themselves with a Kaw Kaw sound while Hawks seldom announce themselves with a screech! - Author

"The Red-tailed Hawk occupies a wide range of habitats and altitudes, including deserts, grasslands, coniferous and deciduous forests, tropical rainforests, agricultural fields and urban areas. It lives throughout the North American continent, except in areas of unbroken forest or the high arctic. It is legally protected in Canada, Mexico and the United States by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act". - Text and photo from Wikipedia