The United States of America
Recent Population Estimates from US Census
Let's test just how fast the US and world population is
In re-writting this article today, March 28th 2015
at 10:00am the USA population was: 320,590,722
In re-writting this article today, March 28th 2015 at 10:00am the World
population was: 7,233,306,103
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Bummer, cause normally Firefox is my default page over Internet
Exploder and Googles Chrome.
Now take a look at the population
clocks in the right column and examine what the current population marks
are. What is happening is that much of the 3rd world has had a massive
population explosion. India will probably exceed China's population
within the next 10 years. The Indian sub-continent (India, Pakastan,
Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) already exceeds the population of greater China
(China and Tawian).
1960's in America, Canada, Australia and much of Western Europe the
environmental awareness movement of those nations citizens began to
grow. Activists soon formed the modern environmental movement in
including a US Senator, Gaylord Nelson (Born: June 4, 1916 Died: July 3,
2005). Many of the environmentalists soon became well aware of the
disastrous effects of population growth on the environment.
Senator Gaylord Nelson, founder of Earth Day, stated:
"Forging and maintaining a sustainable society is the critical
challenge for this and all generations to come. In responding to
that challenge, population will be the critical factor in
determining whether or not we succeed in forging such a society."
His words "critical factor" should be ringing in our ears! All of
the environmental changes and US Government programs such as recycling,
biodegradable soaps, air pollution standards are basicly for
nothing and in net effect are a waste!
Why? The United States
population on April 1, 1980 was:
226,545,805 (The Census Bureau clock only goes back too April 1,
1980!) Today when writting this article the population of the United
States was:
320,515,106 at 9:07am on
March 13th 2015.
Do the math please!
So to place this in a better perspective, between the years of 1980 to
2015 the USA added the equivalent population of any one of the 3 nations
13 Vietnam 91,519,289
14 Ethiopia
15 Egypt 83,688,164
(Populations as of January 1, 2012)
So in the period of 35 years
we have added the environmental effects of the population of any one of
the 3 nations listed above to the already existing environmental issues
that the USA had in 1980! That is a significant amount of human
excrement to treat, water to be pumped and treated for consumption,
trash to fill our landfills, more roads to carry the ever increasing
vehicular traffic and in America it indicates another massive amount of
strip malls and housing developments in what was once productive
The Sierra Club has stated that:
"... all
of our environmental successes may be short-lived if they do not include
efforts to address population growth."
(note the original page
is no longer available from www.sierraclub.org)
In the period
from 1980 to 2015, the U.S. has converted more than 10 million acres of
forest to suburb - this is an area that is twice the size of the
Everglades, Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Shenandoah National Parks
At present the U.S. is the third most populous country
in the world and we have the highest population growth rate of all
developed countries. How is that? Answer immigration!
Liberal & Conservative Intransigence
The American environmental movement is in a war against itself.
And the cause of the "civil war" has a name, that is population. Trying
to negotiate the political minefield between all political parties is so
dangerous that many environmental groups and leaders have stopped trying
to cross it. But by ignoring the central issues of population increase as
a central issue of this nations environmental degradation while
espousing heavily about urban sprawl, air and water pollution, loss of
biodiversity, loss of agricultural land and animal habitat destruction
is nearly meaningless! The 2 issues are intertwined and directly related
to each other.
Both of the major US politcal parties have been captivated by
possibility of either not getting the huge immigrant vote or of
capturing that same huge immigrant vote. So neither party is willing to
take a stand on the "Population Pressure Cooker". It has become the
Pink Elephant or
Red Jackass sitting in front of all
members of the House and Senate. Both major political parties are drunk
and intoxicated with getting that immigrant vote!
Definition of INTRANSIGENT: characterized by refusal
to compromise or to abandon an extreme position or attitude:
uncompromising <intransigent in their opposition> <an intransigent